首页 新闻资讯 浙江金都工贸有限公司引进SIPM/PLM标准版







Jindu Industrial & Commercial Corporation Iocated at the capital of hardware, Yongkang City Zhejiang Province. Since the very beginning of the establishment in 1995, the enterprise set the core of the main primary business at the eld of manufacturing, research and development of the diamond tools. After over 20 years’development, Jindu Industrial & Commercial Corporetion has become one of the biggest and most professional foundations for manufacturing, research and development of diamond tools industries in China, which is due to continuously investing in the overall enhancement of diamond tools business areas and improving techniques,management skills and innovations. Jindu has already become the only professional manufacturer in the eld of engineering drilling and diamond bits. Products varieties include all types of drilling machines and drilling bits in China.

With the aid of long term introduction to human resource, and continuously upholds the peple oriented management style, Jindu gathered a huge number of high standard management and technology professionals, and therefore a leading-edge team in diamond tools industry is built up.

The aim of Jindu Industrial & Commercial corporation is set at high standard from the initial stage of the company, and had being focusing on introducing advanced equipments. So far, Jindu has had most complete and advanced R&D, manufacturing and testing equipments among the industry.

With the high reliance on outstanding management teams, ourish corporate culturd, humanized working environment and location advantages, Jindu continues to promote products and upgrade services. In 2005, Jindu started to build up strategic alliance partnership with European business customers in producing advanced products and developing intemational market. Offering most competitive products and services to global high-end customers who have high demanding is already a long term strategic commitment for Jindu.

After over 20 years’ development, Jindu Industrial & Commercial Corporation will have higher enthusiasm, better brand operation concept and more competietve products, along with business partners to push Chinese diamond tools industry to make a remarkable step ahead.


作者: suifengmianlai







2023 中国·深圳 第四届中国FMEA峰会 暨聪脉新品发布会 圆满召开 聚焦FMEA 11月1日,由聪脉(上海)信息技术有限公司(以下称聪脉)主办的中国第四届FMEA峰会暨聪脉新品发布会在深圳凯悦酒店圆满召开。


近期热点 NEWS 2023.11.6 客户新闻 聪脉知道 了解企业客户最新热点 关心企业客户最新资讯 企 业 客 户 新 闻 周 速 递 新闻速览 近期客户热点新闻 1 中国一汽研发总院成功举办中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会 2 金溢科技助力西部首个智驾社区启用! 3 宝钢股份与中国港湾签署战略合作协议 4 4 3 4 日月光半导体推出整合设计生态系统IDE将封装设计效率提升且周期最高可缩短50% 5 广东亿迅2个创新产品入选国家级服务业数字化解决方案优秀案例 6 北方华创连续三年荣登中国电子百强企业榜单 7 广西康明斯发动机首次在柳工重型拖拉机上实现成功配套 聚焦汽车整车行业客户 中国一汽研发总院成功举办中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会 11月2日,“中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会”在湖北十堰隆重举行。


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