
From docs: From GTAC: 注:只支持对OOTB的时间表任务类型自定义属性,不支持对自定义类型的任务自定义属性; This is a screenshot of a COTS/OOTB “ScheduleTask” Business Object in BMIDE. This list of properties contains the default attributes for a ScheduleTask. Your MSP file may have additional attributes like “ReasonForDelay” that you have already created in MS Project. From docs: From GTAC: Here is a SAMPLE screenshot of the SM_MPP_CUSTOM_MAP preference with COTS/OOTB attributes. From docs: From GTAC: Here is a SAMPLE screenshot of the SM_MPP_CUSTOM_MAP preference with custom attributes From docs: From GTAC: When using the MSP plug-in to exchange data with Teamcenter Schedules, we DO NOT support custom attributes that you may have added via BMIDE to a custom ScheduleTask Business Object. You must create any custom properties on the COTS/OOTB ScheduleTask Business Object only. Unexpected errors and behavior might result if you try to add custom attributes on a custom ScheduleTask Business Object. From docs: From GTAC: This is just a SAMPLE screenshot of a new custom field added to the COTS/OOTB ScheduleTask Business Object. From docs: From GTAC: This is a SAMPLE screenshot of what the SM_MPP_CUSTOM_MAP preference could look like. From docs: From GTAC: Here is a SAMPLE “tcmspaddin.xml” file with the custom properties added. From docs: From GTAC: This is a SAMPLE screenshot where a custom attribute has been added to the appropriate stylesheet. From docs: From GTAC: Restart ALL Teamcenter services on the Teamcenter Server, including both FSC and Pool Manager.。

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