Icarus Verilog

Icarus Verilog is a free compiler implementation for the IEEE-1364 Verilog hardware description language.

NI Ultiboard

NI Ultiboard软件通过提供适合PCB布局和布线的灵活环境,帮助学生了解布局过程和工业操作。学生可以从NI Multisim基于SPICE的交互式仿真中获取设计,或者利用焊盘图案中内置NI Ultiboard数据库的部件从头学起。Ultiboard包含许多省时的特性,有助于学生迅速学习和理解PCB的布局过程。例如,借助电子表格查看, 学生可在电路图上将元器件拖放到自己理想的位置。然后,学生可通过“跟我来”布线或绘制线路,对全部的设计网络进行轻松布线。







Native Board Import

软件说明 Native Board Import as a link between electronics and mechanics The NBI is the perfec...

LatticeMico System Development Tools

快速建立系统的连接和控制 – 针对您的自定义逻辑使用丰富的预建组件库。 吞吐量是多少?成本是多少?您的选择 – 选择块互连的类型,优化成本或吞吐量,并让工具来为你构建。你还可以选择32位还是8位的处理器。 完整的解决方案 – 包括软件驱动程序和基于Eclipse的软件开发环境,快速实现整个设计并开始运行。

GloryEX 全芯片RC寄生参数提取工具

GloryEX为芯片设计提供Signoff精度的高性能RC寄生参数提取解决方案。支持先进工艺节点的物理效应建模,支持16/14/12/10/7nm及更先进工艺制程的FinFET结构及更为复杂的特殊结构。完美地集成到全芯片时序、信号完整性、功耗完整性、物理验证、电路仿真等流程中,对3D和2.5D工艺定义和提取进行了无缝融合,从而加快设计收敛及签核验证。 GloryEX内置的3D场求解器可作为最高精度的参考工具或提供给用户最准确的计算结果;具有自主先进的Tech File,并兼容现有常用Tech File;将Transistor-Level和Gate-Level提取融为一体,支持不同精的选择和不同设计用户的签核需求。


CyberWorkBench enables higher design efficiency, low power and high performance of the chip by allowing designers to implement hardware at the algorithmic level. This “All-in-C” high-level synthesis and verification tool set for ASIC and FPGAs (Xilinx/Altera) reduces the development time and cost significantly.Designers can describe hardware at higher abstraction level using SystemC and ANSI-C and using CyberWorkBench they can generate highly optimized RTL for their ASIC and FPGAs (Xilinx/Altera) chip. Automatic pipelining, power optimization and powerful parallelism extraction allows designers to generate smaller and low power designs compared to manual RTL design approach.





Intel® SoC EDS

英特尔® SoC FPGA 嵌入式开发套件 (SoC EDS) 是英特尔® SoC FPGA 嵌入式软件开发的综合工具套件。它包括开发工具、实用程序和设计示例,以启动固件和应用程序软件开发。


Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. It is the open source successor of these venerable packages. Many, many modifications, bug fixes and improvements have been added to the code, yielding a stable and reliable simulator. Therefore, besides being used as a standalone simulator, Ngspice has been incorporated into many projects, see our simulation environments page. Spice3 does not need any introduction, is the most popular circuit simulator. In over 30 years of its life Spice3 has become a de-facto standard for simulating circuits. Cider couples Spice3f5 circuit level simulator to DSIM device simulator to provide greater simulation accuracy of critical devices. DSIM devices are described in terms of their structures and materials. Xspice is an extension to Ngspice that provides code modeling support and simulation of digital components through an embedded event driven algorithm.




Electric Specifications The Electric VLSI Design System is a highly flexible and powerful system that can handle many different types of circuit design (MOS, Bipolar, schematics, printed circuitry, hardware description languages, etc.) It handles geometry at any angle (not just Manhattan) and can even handle curves.

GloryBolt 功耗/EM/IR/可靠性Signoff平台

GloryBolt强大的分析引擎支持上亿规模单元的大规模设计,同时能准确地提供芯片签核精度的功耗、电流密度、压降、电迁移、可靠性等分析结果。贴近用户使用习惯,能将多种分析数据快速归纳并展示,方便工程师综合评估芯片设计质量并准确优化,加速设计收敛和签核验证。 GloryBolt覆盖从RTL到门级、全芯片、封装和系统的电源完整性分析,能够进行静态和动态电压降分析;瞬态和平均电流、功耗分析;电源/地/信号的电迁移分析;为用户提供丰富的分析报告和可视化界面诊断结果,使设计人员能够优化设计从而满足电源完整性的签核要求,最终满足芯片设计目标。

LatticeMico System Development Tools

快速建立系统的连接和控制 – 针对您的自定义逻辑使用丰富的预建组件库。 吞吐量是多少?成本是多少?您的选择 – 选择块互连的类型,优化成本或吞吐量,并让工具来为你构建。你还可以选择32位还是8位的处理器。 完整的解决方案 – 包括软件驱动程序和基于Eclipse的软件开发环境,快速实现整个设计并开始运行。


Electric Specifications The Electric VLSI Design System is a highly flexible and powerful system that can handle many different types of circuit design (MOS, Bipolar, schematics, printed circuitry, hardware description languages, etc.) It handles geometry at any angle (not just Manhattan) and can even handle curves.

PhyBolt 多物理场耦合分析平台



