首页 新闻资讯 【作品展播】2023年海克斯康全球精英奖大赛海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司获奖作品-最佳执行类别全球精英奖


01 贺信 海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司在2023年度海克斯康全球精英奖大赛中披荆斩棘,荣获了“最佳执行类别全球精英奖”!在此祝贺海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司,同时也感谢海工青岛在工程领域中做出的努力和成绩。




















作者:海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司 吴涛




COOEC(Qingdao) has been starting to develop PCMS (Project Construction Management System) which consists of a variety of Hexagon software including Intergraph Spoolgen, Intergraph Smart Construction, Intergraph Smart Quality, Intergraph Smart Foundation, Intergraph Smart Materials from 2014.


Recent years, PCMS is applied on LNG Canada and PetroBras BuziosVIII (FPSO P79), the two large international project. LNG Canada project is located at Kitikmeot, BC Province, Canada. The owner includes Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, KOGAS, Mitsubishi. There are 35 modules constructed in Qingdao yard. P79 FPSO for Petrobras is the biggest and most complex FPSO in the world. The module of topside in FPSO is constructed by COOEC (Qingdao).


3D models provided by clients at stage of detail design of the two projects are created in Smart 3D. Data from design is imported to PCMS through Non-published mode. All lists of weld, spool and other parts are generated by Spoolgen regarded as the main tool at the stage of shop design of Piping.


When data formatted in template is imported into PCMS, IWP (Installation work package) could be created in the software of Smart Construction. In PCMS, the function of Smart Construction is highly customized with requirements of COOEC (Qingdao). PCMS tech team defines discipline, purpose, STEPS, ENS, column-set and other necessary objects. Besides work-face-planing, work progress could be imported by batches and assigned to each work step.





PCMS also integrated Smart Construction and Smart Quality. Welds and parts could be updated in Smart Construction and sent to Smart Quality every night. The function of Smart Quality is also highly customized and all Inspection steps are defined by PCMS tech team. The inspection steps include Material Confirmation Inspection, Material trace Inspection, Fit-up Inspection, Visual Inspection and Non-Detective-Test Inspection.



Inspection in PCMS


NOI (Notice of Inspection) and ROI (Report of Inspection) could be created and executed by users. Inspection Report, Weld Summary, Welding KPI report and Welder KPI report, which are custom developed before project started could be generated automatically.


Since the management of NDT (Non-Detective-Test) has always been the pain point of quality management, PCMS provide the function of Lots Management. After Welding, based on a combination of welder, WPS, welding category, inspection class and inspection percentage, welds could be divided into lots. In one lot, system will select one weld randomly to do NDT. For example, some welds need to be tested by RT (Radio Test, one type of NDT). If the inspection percentage of these welds is 10%, 10 welds in all qualified welds which has same combination will be formed one lot. One weld in the lot could be selected to finish RT inspection. If this weld passed RT inspection, all welds in the lot will be released.



Lot Management


With the data of system, PCMS tech team independently developed Project Data Center Website. The website can synchronize PCMS data everyday and provide rich and diverse reports to realize progress statistics and information sharing.


4D visualization is anther application with PCMS data. It is to match the piping spool data automatically in the model with those of the construction progress data from system, and mark the key milestones of the welding, release, painting, lifting and installation of each spool with different status color, so as to realize the visualization of piping progress.



4D visualization


The process of importing design data and material information into PCMS further standardizes and corrects data. Combined with the data of construction and inspection stage in PCMS, fine control of progress can be realized. All data provided by PCMS help project managers to get information timely and effectively. The report is generated on PCMS to solve the problem that previous projects still need to print paper reports. For projects with more than 100,000 welds, the function of Lots management in PCMS extremely improves the management efficiency of welds in the NDT stage. Rich and diverse data which PCMS provided could make more digital application such as Project Data Center Website, 4D  visualization, etc.


On the project of LNG Canada, through the joint efforts of COOEC(Qingdao) and JGC(Contractor of LNG Canada project), digital management has been praised and recognized by the industry. LNG Canada project in COOEC(Qingdao) was awarded the Best AWP Large Project Award by CII at AWP Conference 2022, held in Houston, USA. In P79 FPSO, the customized function of PCMS is extremely difficult to implement. After the function delivered and successful demonstration, PCMS has been recognized by clients. The site manager of the owner of Petrobras spoke highly of the application of the project system: PCMS latest developing is a big step forward on quality control for COOEC Qingdao yard.  We expected that in the end of this P79 project, COOEC can be in a higher lever for Piping Quality and control following the latest standard in the Oil industry.







  • PCMS将海克斯康数字智能解决方案面向加工设计、施工管理、材料管理及工程信息集成平台等的产品与海工业务深度融合,经过近10年的开发与应用,为现场建造管理模式带来了革命性变革,对工程数字化转型工作具有极高的借鉴与引领价值。


  • 详细深度应用并结合实际工程流程很好的整合Intergraph Smart系列解决方案。






海克斯康全球精英奖大赛是由海克斯康数字智能(原鹰图公司)举办的全球设计大赛。赛事基于海克斯康近20年的赛事运作基础上,融合了金阀门奖大赛、铂金管道奖大赛、Drivers of Success奖大赛等多项赛事,对软件应用层面具有创新力和执行力的用户进行全球性选拔和嘉奖。




三维设计类奖项表彰在Intergraph Smart 3D、Intergraph Smart Review和/或 CADWorx软件应用方面,最具创新性和最具执行力的选手。















作者: suifengmianlai







2023 中国·深圳 第四届中国FMEA峰会 暨聪脉新品发布会 圆满召开 聚焦FMEA 11月1日,由聪脉(上海)信息技术有限公司(以下称聪脉)主办的中国第四届FMEA峰会暨聪脉新品发布会在深圳凯悦酒店圆满召开。


近期热点 NEWS 2023.11.6 客户新闻 聪脉知道 了解企业客户最新热点 关心企业客户最新资讯 企 业 客 户 新 闻 周 速 递 新闻速览 近期客户热点新闻 1 中国一汽研发总院成功举办中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会 2 金溢科技助力西部首个智驾社区启用! 3 宝钢股份与中国港湾签署战略合作协议 4 4 3 4 日月光半导体推出整合设计生态系统IDE将封装设计效率提升且周期最高可缩短50% 5 广东亿迅2个创新产品入选国家级服务业数字化解决方案优秀案例 6 北方华创连续三年荣登中国电子百强企业榜单 7 广西康明斯发动机首次在柳工重型拖拉机上实现成功配套 聚焦汽车整车行业客户 中国一汽研发总院成功举办中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会 11月2日,“中国汽车工程学会汽车非金属材料分会第十届年会”在湖北十堰隆重举行。


“ 为贯彻落实国务院关于工程建设项目审批制度改革部署,按照全国住房城乡建设工作会议关于“数字住建”工作部署要求,加快推进工程建设项目全生命周期数字化管理,近日,住房城乡建设部印发《关于开展工程建设项目全生命周期数字化管理改革试点工作的通知》,决定在天津等27个地区开展工程建设项目全生命周期数字化管理改革试点工作。


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